Usage name: N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
Obtaining process: Chemical synthesis or extraction from the amino acid cysteine.
Source: Synthetic or extracted from cysteine, a sulfur-containing amino acid found in food proteins.
Provenance, origin: Can be synthesized in the laboratory or extracted from the cysteine present in various protein foods.
Chemical characteristics: N-acetylcysteine is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine.
Dosage form: Capsules, tablets, oral solution.
Necessary dosage in food supplements : Dosages vary depending on the indications. Typically, recommended doses are between 300 and 1800 mg per day for beneficial health effects.
Missions: Protects against free radicals responsible for skin aging and helps eliminate toxins and impurities for healthier skin.
Properties: Antioxidant, detoxifying and regenerating.
Indications: All skin types, particularly skin with imperfections.