Use name : Unsaponifiable Avocado
Obtaining process: Obtained from avocado oil through an extraction and purification process.
Source: Végétale (avocado).
Family: Lipids.
Part of the plant extracted: Avocado pulp.
Provenance, origin: Mainly from South America, Mexico and Israel.
Chemical characteristics: Complex mixture of non-saponifiable compounds in avocado oil, including phytosterols, tocopherols, triterpenes and fatty acids.
Dosage form: Powder.
Dosage needed in dietary supplements : The recommended dosage of avocado unsaponifiable in dietary supplements generally ranges from 100 to 300 milligrams per day.
Missions: Protects and regenerates joint tissues, improves flexibility and mobility of joints, reduces inflammation and joint pain.
Properties : Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, regenerating, repairing.
Indications: Osteoarthritis, rheumatism, joint pain, mobility problems, joint rehabilitation, prevention of joint damage.